Old comments
Added: July 27, 2013, 3:17 pm
hiya guys I cant believe that I have not been at four oaks for one whole year now and I am basically in year 8 !!! I am so glad I am in cluster choir so I can see some of you guys there, also most of the year sixes are coming to Arthur terry next year, and you will really enjoy it (well I did ) but probably miss four oaks like me!! I hope some of you are in YB6 as that is mine and Emily Coles' tutor and we will be able to see you and help you out but if not you will still have a fab time. I know lots of people that didn't go to Arthur terry and still had a fab year at there new school so don't worry guys you will love it even though I am not there :) !!! xoxoxoxoxoxox have fun enjoy life from ...
amie osema, england!
Added: July 21, 2013, 6:31 am
I finished the BVGS school year on Friday at 12:00. Bishop Vesey's is amazing but I miss Four Oaks, the teachers and the pupils.
Joshua Littleford, Sutton
Added: July 20, 2013, 9:40 pm
Many thanks Ken, We are very proud of our website and it has become the hub of our school community. Please keep in touch and thanks for the compliment !
Mark Benton (Deputy Head), Four Oaks
Added: July 20, 2013, 8:32 am
L am the chair of governors of newbrighton primary school Wirral .Having looked through your web site l would like to say that who ever set it up did a great job as it is one of the best l have seen
ken frost, newbrighton
Added: July 19, 2013, 4:40 pm
I am so sad to be leaving mrs Morris next year we will all miss her!
Sarina, Four oaks primary school
Added: July 17, 2013, 2:49 pm
Thank you so much to all the year 6 children and staff for an amazing assembly, presentation and lunch today - a truly lovely day to mark the end of primary school.
Paul Hibbert, Sutton Coldfield
Added: July 16, 2013, 8:49 pm
I can't believe another school year is coming to an end; what a busy one has it been! Many, many congratulations to everyone involved in Cluster Choir, Youth Voices and the Accidentals- the concert at Adrian Boult Hall on Saturday was brilliant. Year 6- break a leg tomorrow! You have all worked incredibly hard for our Leaver's Assembly, I'm sure your parents will love it. Have a great summer everyone. Mrs J
Mrs Jones, Four Oaks
Added: July 14, 2013, 7:47 pm
Hi Mrs Dewsbery, the link for Friday's newsletter is on the Home Page of the website in the Latest News section. I hope this helps you.
Mr Benton, Four Oaks
Added: July 14, 2013, 10:51 am
Hi Mr Benton, Just wondering if there is a problem with the newsletters or it is my computer again. I can't see the newsletters from 4th or 11th July listed in the newsletters section of the site.
Jan Dewsbery, Four Oaks
Added: July 12, 2013, 6:25 pm
Hi there great to see all the year 6`s at induction day and trust me you will enjoy Arthur Terry 100% xxxxx ;D
Emily Coles , England
Added: July 8, 2013, 5:26 am
Jonathan briggs, Sutton Coldfield, England
Added: July 7, 2013, 10:11 am
I saw a couple of people from FOPS at the KES induction day and I hope you enjoyed it. Everyone in year 5 enjoy Boreatton Park and despite what you think you don't have to be unbelievably tall to catch the trapeze. Trust me, I know.
Naren Tirumularaju, Sutton Coldfield
Added: July 5, 2013, 6:45 am
Hi evey one I am really sad that I am going to leave this school in two weeks
Emily cowls, Sutton Coldfield
Added: July 1, 2013, 5:35 am
Thanks Amelia for your lovely message- it's always good to hear from you! We appreciated the loan of projects from yourself, Annie and Maisie to illustrate the high expectation- our current Year 6 certainly rose to the challenge of emulating the quality you set them by producing excellent projects! Well done to all of Year 6! I hope you manage to locate the photograph that you are searching for. Mrs J
Mrs Jones, Four Oaks
Added: June 30, 2013, 3:01 pm
hi guys in the hotel moving in 3 weeks love dylan
dylan sarai, DUBAI
Added: June 27, 2013, 6:03 pm
hi everyone. it was great seeing all of the year 5 today at Arthur terry i hope you guys had a great cluster day see you soon also i hope the years 6 sixes have a great last term at four oaks xx
Jess Varnish, four oaks
Added: June 25, 2013, 5:28 pm
I think my class teacher next year is going to be brilliant!!!
Emma Rowley, Sutton Coldfield
Added: June 24, 2013, 7:46 pm
P.S - I hope my "British Isles" project was okay for the year 6's...Good luck for you projects!! :)
Amelia E, Four Oaks
Added: June 24, 2013, 7:44 pm
Hi everyone! A huge congratulations to everyone in the science heats...Mrs Jones is the best science teacher ever ! It was brilliant seeing lots of yellow t-shirts at the fun run a few weeks ago, I really enjoyed doing the fun run, although I still have HUGE blisters ha! If any of the teachers who went to Boreatton Park in 2010 knows where I could possibly access the group photo we took, I know it was on moodle some time, but I think it was taken off...If anyone could contact me or reply to this message, that would be perfect, thank you :) I hope the summer fayre went well, I would have loved to come and seen all of the old faces. Can't believe it's nearly the end of term and I'll be in year 9 soon!! Everyone at school still loves talking about the memories of the best school ever! Love Amelia xxxx :)
Amelia E , Four Oaks
Added: June 23, 2013, 1:22 pm
hi we are looking foward to bratteon park at the end of year 5. the giant swing and the zipwire will be the best ,hopefully we wont have a mud bath. And it is great that the quiz team won when they did the science quiz, where the questiond for ks3 or ks4 thats what someone in y5 told me but I wasn't sure cos I didn't do it.
Georgia Beaman, Sutton Coldfield, England
Added: June 23, 2013, 1:16 pm
I really enjoyed the new four oaks radio show and I think that it is really good because it gives me the information that i don't already now.Hi four oaks primary school we think the radio show is brilliant
Georgia Beaman, Sutton Coldfield, England
Added: June 22, 2013, 9:07 am
Can't wait for the summer fair! It's gonna be great!
Sarina, Four oaks
Added: June 20, 2013, 2:53 pm
I have just read the school annual and I think that the jokes are great and all of it is just great!!!
becky snape, sutton coldfield
Added: June 18, 2013, 3:35 pm
hi guys i am missing you lot and lots and i went to look at housesi and i have saw one is a town house on the palm. love dylan
dylan sarai, DUBAI
Added: June 14, 2013, 5:39 am
WOW!! Harriet, Lucas, Sarah and Will- many congratulations! You were all amazingly impressive at the heats of the Inter school Science Quiz at Little sutton Primary school, we are all incredibly proud of you, well done! Bring on the next round! Mrs Jones
Mrs Jones, Four Oaks
Added: June 4, 2013, 7:55 pm
Congratulations to everybody who took part in this years GMFR, what an achievement. To see the mass of yellow t-shirts congregating on the steps of Holy Trinity church was truly uplifting, thank you for all of your support and roll on next year where we will enter the largest team! Not that I'm competitive..
Ellis Boughton, Sutton Coldfield
Added: June 3, 2013, 9:46 pm
What a fantastic day at Sutton Fun Run! It was a real team event pupils, parents & staff! Everyone supporting each other! :) Afterward at Sutton Rugby Club, it was lovely to see so many smiling faces! Well done xxx Four Oaks
Susan Hill, Sutton Coldfield
Added: June 2, 2013, 10:15 pm
Congratulations to all the runners and walkers in the fun run today, wonderful to see so many of you. Also belated congratulations to Mrs. Jones on another magnificent achievement, been an amazing sciencey year. And to year 4, wonderful fun and informative assembly (and delicious lunch after).
Paul Hibbert, Sutton Coldfield
Added: May 28, 2013, 9:41 am
Hi everyone, I hope the SATS went well for year 6!
Caitlin Burns, Sutton Colidfield
Added: May 23, 2013, 7:29 pm
Have a great half term everyone! Year 6 have had a great week -lots of exciting opportunities after SATs week! Thank you to all of our past pupils who loaned projects for us to show our current pupils- much appreciated! Mrs J
Mrs Jones, Four Oaks
Added: May 23, 2013, 12:55 pm
hi great a plantsbrook miss everyone loads especially mrs birch my favourite teacher who supported me lotsxxxxxxxxxxx good luck everyone all do well
aaliyah bent, sutton coldfield
Added: May 20, 2013, 5:59 pm
I am sooooo glad that SATS are over although we had done lots of practices i was still worried. Year 6 had a great time at Sutton park also last Friday. I cannot believe it is half term in a week and then we only have half a term left this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maddy Shay, Sutton Coldfield
Added: May 17, 2013, 3:33 pm
I would just like to say that the year 1 assembly was fantastic we really enjoyed it. All the children did really well. Well done Miss Appleby & Miss Mcdermot for getting it all organised. Also, the school lunch, as usual was fab. Can't wait for the next one. Hsve a good weekend everyone. Parveen x
Parveen Chauhan, Sutton Coldfield
Added: May 15, 2013, 6:26 pm
I am soooo exited for our new assembly on the rainforest and I am also enjoying learning about it!!!
Sarina, Four Oaks
Added: May 6, 2013, 7:08 pm
Many congratulations to Mrs Jones for your latest achievement! A great accolade, and well deserved!
Henri Shay, Little Aston
Added: April 24, 2013, 7:04 am
hi missing you guys LOADS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hows sch going hope your haveing fun ( not including tests lol) see you soon bye
georgia light, england ( lol )
Added: April 16, 2013, 9:11 pm
I am really exited for our new topic on the rainforest can't wait!!!
Sarina, Four oaks
Added: April 13, 2013, 10:16 am
Can you please confirm the start date of Gardening Club. The letter said Monday 17th April, but Monday is 15th April. Thank you. Jan Dewsbery
Jan Dewsbery, Four Oaks
Added: March 29, 2013, 9:12 am
I'm sad that footloose is over but so glad to see familiar faces in the audience cheering me and others on xxx
Emily Coles, England
Added: March 27, 2013, 8:08 pm
i hope the yr 5's had a wonderful time at my school last wednesday! it was a suprise seeing them as well as Mrs Birch and Mrs Jones! Happy Easter everyone xx
Javairia Yakoob , Sutton coldfield
Added: March 25, 2013, 7:07 am
It's snowing whoooo
Alice, England
Added: March 24, 2013, 8:21 pm
I really enjoyed the Japanese students- they were so kind! I enjoyed doing the cats cradle the best. Shame I couldn't do the origami.
Iqra Ahmad, Sutton Coldfield
Added: March 22, 2013, 9:07 pm
Footloose at Arthur Terry was amazing it was nice to see some of my friends there to, i liked it when will was singing about his mum and some other parts to
luke barnett, Sutton Coldfield
Added: March 22, 2013, 8:55 pm
I really enjoyed having the Japanese students in school they were great,there dance was amazing and i hope they come again one day
luke barnett, Sutton Coldfield
Added: March 20, 2013, 1:24 pm
Dear Four Oaks School We are the Year 2 class at Moor Hall Primary School. We have been watching your chicks hatch on chick cam. It has been really exciting. It looked like the chicks were playing football with the eggs! Our topic is our wonderful world and we thought your chicks showed us just how wonderful our world is. From Year 2 at Moor Hall P.S. Panda cam is brilliant too.
Mrs Davey and Year 2 at Moor Hall, Sutton Coldfield
Added: March 18, 2013, 7:39 am
I loved the performance of footloose especially when Willy started singing about his mum. I also really enjoyed it when the japaneese visitors came mainly because tom tried to teech the japaneese visitors rock, paper, scissors!
leo boekestein, four oaks uk
Added: March 7, 2013, 9:53 pm
World book Day- what a great day! You all looked FANTASTIC-well done!!Thank you to all of your parents for their support in helping you to look so great..... it's what memories are made of! Mrs j
Mrs Jones, Four Oaks
Added: March 4, 2013, 8:00 pm
hi just a quicky missing you guys loads , getting on great at my new school . i heard you guys were having world book day can't wait to see the pictures bye xox
georgia, emgland
Added: March 2, 2013, 9:53 am
I have just signed up to do the Sutton fun run with my mum sister and me I can not wait till it finally comes because it will show how unfit I am see you all soon :)
Emily cowls, Four oaks
Added: February 24, 2013, 5:32 pm
hi everyone its such a shame that the half term is over i have had fun and i hope you all have to it will be great to see you again!!! xxx
Regan keating, Sutton coldfield
Added: February 24, 2013, 2:27 pm
hi everyone! its Sunday the last day of half term, i have missed all my friends and are eager to get back!!!!!!! but i will miss being able to stay in bed all morning!!!!
Regan keating, Sutton coldfield england
Added: February 24, 2013, 7:48 am
hi again it's school tomorrow and it's the end of the holiday I hope you all had a great holiday and are looking forward to seeing you
Hollie Upton, England
Added: February 23, 2013, 6:58 pm
Year 2 are over half way through the year....only one and a half terms left until we move to the juniors!
Mrs Bambury, Derbyshire
Added: February 20, 2013, 7:48 pm
Hi guys missing you a lot how has everyone's half turn been? I hope too see you very soon, mrs jones it was GREAT to see you !!! Mrs Sutton please can I come back to the best primary school ever lol miss mrs Upton a lot xxxxxxxxxxxxxx buy guys :( missing you !!!!!
Jess varnish , Four oaks
Added: February 19, 2013, 8:29 pm
Hi Lauren, There was no specific Maths homework given out but you can attack any pages in your Maths CGP book if you want to - keep those Maths skills sharp !
Mr Benton, Four Oaks
Added: February 19, 2013, 7:42 pm
Lauren was out ill on Friday afternoon and does not know if any homework was given out for over the holidays. Could someone please advise on this ASAP. Thank you.
Jan Dewsbery, jandewsbery@gmail.com
Added: February 18, 2013, 8:29 pm
Hi everyone. Happy Half Term! Hope everyone is having a happy holiday! Congratulations on your Ofsted Science Results, so proud that I used to come to this brilliant school! Especially well done to Mrs Jones, the best science teacher ever! :) I wish I could have seen you all at the citizenship day on Friday, but we all had to go to lessons! By the pictures on the Arthur Terry website and the sights I saw around school, it looked really fun! Well done and missing everyone :) See you soon! Amelia xxx
Amelia Emmerson, Four Oaks
Added: February 17, 2013, 6:48 pm
I am really enjoying our subject on the human body, it's soo fun!!!!!
Sarina Johal, Four Oaks
Added: February 16, 2013, 5:57 pm
Hi Jess, it was great to see you too- Years 5 & 6 had a brilliant time at Y10s Unity and Diversity Day! Thank you for the good wishes about our Ofsted result- we're all really proud of it! Have a great half term break. Mrs J
Mrs Jones, Four Oaks
Added: February 16, 2013, 5:53 pm
hi guys i hope u have a nice holiday and if your going on holiday have a nice time from hollie xxx
hollie, england
Added: February 15, 2013, 8:40 pm
Hi everyone it me I saw Mrs Jones today at Arthur Terry it was fantastic to see you also a little strange. I really miss such a fantastic school. Well done four oaks for the ofsted results. Though it's no surprise this school is amazing.when we were at school we were all saying would we go back to primary school and we all said yes especially to this school see you all soon xxx JESSICA VARNISH .
jessica varnish, sutton
Added: February 13, 2013, 7:46 pm
Congratulations to all the staff, especially Mrs Jones, and pupils on another outstanding OFSTED report, thoroughly deserved.
Paul Hibbert, Sutton Coldfield
Added: February 13, 2013, 5:04 pm
hi four oaks i am year 4 and love this school already!
Daniel Brodie, UK
Added: February 13, 2013, 4:32 pm
Hi, just wanted to say how enjoyable the infants New Year show was today. A big pat on the back to all who took part and the teachers that helped with the show.
Chris Dyte, Four Oaks
Added: February 13, 2013, 10:19 am
Hi hope everyone is ok,love the school blog but still posting comments on the guest book . Because anyone can comment on our guest book. Looking forward to going to Ather Terry on friday .xxx :]
mia/lucas, suttun
Added: February 13, 2013, 10:15 am
cant wait for the holidays im goin dancing on saturday :)
mya, four oaks
Added: February 11, 2013, 8:23 pm
Hi everyone missing four oaks a lot because it was the the best school ever, but also miss Mrs Upton I really hope to see you soon xxxx
Jessica Varnish, four oaks
Added: February 9, 2013, 6:55 pm
i agree Mia! I think our school website is brilliant too! Mrs J
Mrs Jones, Four Oaks
Added: February 6, 2013, 6:25 pm
mia benson, sutten clodfield
Added: February 4, 2013, 7:35 pm
I just wanted to say Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Jack Rowley, sutton coldfield
Added: January 18, 2013, 12:21 pm
hi everyone i miss you so much , loving arthur terry hopefully see you soon
grace hallbrook, four oaks
Added: January 17, 2013, 5:37 pm
Today in school we did science and learned about how there is day and night I really enjoyed the worksheet that we did It has just started snowing I'm so excited maby no school tomorrow Miaxxx
Mia sherratt, Sutton
Added: January 17, 2013, 7:35 am
Hello Mrs Moule, The link for Bug Club sits just underneath our Moodle link at the bottom of the school website homepage. I hope this helps but please contact me if there is a problem.
Mr Benton, Four Oaks
Added: January 16, 2013, 7:21 pm
Hiya My daughter and I are hunting for Bug Club but we cannot find the link on this school website? We've tried the direct web address but it seems to be their front shop, not the designated access route. We tried the search button for the site, the literacy zone and the year 2 pupil zone. Please can you help?
Rachel Moule, Four Oaks
Added: January 10, 2013, 6:58 pm
happy new year everyone i hope you all had a nice christmas
cameron mckevitt, four oaks
Added: January 9, 2013, 9:29 am
i liked this chirstmas i got loads of syuff it was sooo fun from mya p.s i love this school
mya,, four oaks
Added: January 3, 2013, 8:51 am
Hi everyone, Happy New Year! I hope you have had a lovely Christmas and that Santa was very kind to you all. See you soon. Mrs J
Mrs Jones, Four Oaks