At Four Oaks Primary School we are proud to be a caring community where every individual counts.
We offer a rich environment where children develop independence and achieve personal success preparing them for their future.
The children will be caring individuals who:
- are happy to co-operate and share with others, demonstrating courtesy and good manners at all times
- appreciate and respect others in an environment of firm, fair and
friendly discipline
The children will develop:
- a positive self-image, with high expectations, enabling them to be responsible, resilient and independent learners
- a lively and enquiring mind with an ability to adopt a creative and sensitive approach through the provision of a range of challenging opportunities and the development of their own interests
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding
The school caters for individual pupils' needs. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which meets local and national requirements.
The children will:
- develop skills of observation, hypothesis and analysis
- develop a broad foundation of knowledge and understanding about the world in which they live
- develop skills of problem solving, reasoning, proof and logic
- develop an understanding of the difference between right and wrong, truth and fiction
- develop skills of discussion and communication
These aims are translated into practice through policies, schemes of work and guidelines.
All of this is achieved through a partnership with parents, the Governing Body, the Learning Trust for Excellence, the Four Oaks Cluster and the Local Authority in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.