The National Junior Schools Quiz
Championships 2014
Our school quiz team (Jemima, Rahul, Jay and Alex) recently took part in the local heats of the National Junior Schools Quiz Championships at Little Sutton School.
See if you are up to the task of answering some of the questions that they were faced with.
1. What was Louis Bleriot the first person to do in 1909 ?
2. Which mountaineer accompanied Sir Edmund Hilary to the top of Mount Everest in 1953 ?
3. Who was the American president throughout World War II ?
4. Which country was ruled by the Romanov family until 1916 ?
5. Which famous scientist said “If I have seen further than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants” ?
6. What was the name of the first man-made
satellite put into space in 1957 ?
7. Which European country is surrounded by Belgium,
France and Germany ?
8. Which is the only chess piece that can jump over another piece ?
9. A molecule of what substance has one oxygen atom and
two hydrogen atoms ?
10. Which spacecraft orbited the moon in May 1969 ?
Junior pupils - If you know the answers to any of these questions then let
Mr Benton know – there will be House Points on offer as a reward !