BBC Radio 2's "500 Words" 
During the Spring Term Mrs Glover and Mrs Morris got all of the Year 6 pupils to enter BBC Radio 2's "500 Words" competition. The children had to write a new and unique story in just 500 words - not an easy task !
In total there were 120,000 entries and just last week Mrs Glover had the great news that three of our pupils have made it into the next round where just 3,800 pupils have been selected.
A huge well done to Nia, Henry and Zoe in Year 6 whose work has been selected and if you would like to read their work then just click on the buttons below. Soon we will find out if any of our three great writers have been selected for the next round when the stories will be narrowed down to the last 50. This would be amazing, but if they get to the final round and are selected as the best piece of writing out of all 120,000 then they will win Chris Evan's height in books - imagine that !