The National Junior Schools Quiz
Championships 2016
Our school quiz team (Sienna, Cesca, Krish and Alex) recently took part in the local heats of the National Junior Schools Quiz Championships at Little Sutton School.
See if you are up to the task of answering some of the questions that they were faced with !
- What is the second highest mountain in the world ?
- What is the only bridge on the River Thames that can be lowered and raised ?
- Where on your body would you find your Ulna ?
- What is the world’s largest and oldest inhabited castle ?
- What is the currency of Austria ?
- How many hours are made up by 360 minutes ?
- What fictional creature has terrible tusks and terrible claws ?
- What kind of creature can be hermit, masked or spider in variety ?
- What kind of animal is a Gnu ?
- At how many km's altitude does the International Space Station orbit the Earth ?
- Which English king is said to have uttered the words “Once more unto the breach dear friends, once more …” ?
- How many of Henry VIII’s wives did he divorce ?
- What is the only other country in South America other than Paraguay to be land-locked ?
- Which musical note comes just before “So” ?
- What chemical element has the symbol FE ?
- Who was the first woman to fly single handed between England and Australia ?
- Who composed the theme music to the original Star Wars film ?
- Which is the odd one out between Fir, Pine, Cedar and Holly ?
- Who wrote the book “Clockwork or All Wound Up “ ?
- What temperature in degrees Fahrenheit is zero degrees Celsius ?
- On which river does the city of Cairo stand ?
- What was the family or surname of the last Tsar of Russia who died in 1918 ?
- Which two countries are separated by the Bering Straits ?
- Which English King was executed at the end of the English Civil War ?
- What do you call a cow that has not had a calf ?
Junior pupils - If you know the answers to any of these questions then let
Mr Benton know – there will be House Points on offer as a reward !