Hedgehogs in Y1 2016 
Recently, one of our mums, Claire, came into school to tell some of our Year 1 pupils all about her hedgehog rescue organization "Snuffles Hedgehog Rescue". She brought in two small hedgehogs to show the children and told them all about how she helps injured and sick hedgehogs nursing them back to health and then releasing them back into the wild. Her organization is non-profit making and she is in desperate need of meat based cat or dog food in jelly and meat based cat biscuits. On average each year Claire uses over 4,000 tins of cat or dog food. 12 tins a day, 84 tins a week, 4368 per year. If you could help the rescue centre by donating some food it would be much appreciated. She also uses lots of kitchen roll. Leave any donations at the school for convenience. Ask your child’s class teacher for details.
You might also visit the Snuffles website and take a look at the amazon wish list on the home page. The Snuffles website also contains lots of useful hedgehog information.
To learn more why not click on either of the links below and then look at the galleries of great photos showing what happened when Claire and her hedgehogs came into school !