Four Oaks Youth


Harry Potter at Westminster !
On Monday 8th October 2012 the Four Oaks Youth group went off on a great adventure. Our four school council members from Year 5 and Year 6 at Four Oaks Primary are members of Four Oaks Youth who try to get community projects off the ground in the local area to help local youngsters.
This trip was very special as the morning was spent at Westminster in London, and the afternoon was spent at the Warner Brothers studios in Levesdon where the Harry Potter films were made.
The first project that the Four Oaks Youth group are involved with this year is the setting up of a book club for local youngsters, so you can see where the link to Harry Potter fits in. The trip to Westminster and the House of Commons and the House of Lords was thrilling for the youth members as that is where the Prime Minister and the MPs do their work, work that is similar to school councillors but on a national scale. Once inside the Palace of Westminster the Four Oaks Youth members got to see where the Prime Minister stands and argues his point, they saw where the MPs vote and even where historical events like the “Gunpowder Plot” happened. Even though we couldn’t take any photographs inside, the youth members left with lots of thrilling memories.
Click here to learn more about the House of Commons and Westminster Hall.
The afternoon at the Harry Potter film set was very exciting too as the members got to see parts of the film sets, pieces of film memorabilia and characters’ costumes. They even got to walk down “Diagon Alley” and into “Ollivanders’ Wand Shop” !
If you are a Harry Potter fan then just click on the thumbnail photographs below to see what a fantastic time the Four Oaks Youth members had.
Click here to visit the Warner Brothers Harry Potter Film Set site.