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Four Oaks Primary School

Four Oaks Primary School, Edge Hill Road, Sutton Coldfield, B74 4PA

0121 675 4040

Mrs Longden's Friendship Bench

The winners of the Mrs Longden Reading awards for 2013

Reception: John McConnell

Year 1: Aaron Hussain

Year 2: Tyra Branch

Year 3: Eizen Balu

Year 4: Cameron Kaul

Year 5: Isabel Cox

Year 6: William Johnson

Sadly last year, Mrs Sheila Longden, one of our longest serving members of staff passed away. Sheila had been at Four Oaks for many years in the role of volunteer parent, lunchtime supervisor and classroom teaching assistant. She loved the school and she especially had fondness for the many, many pupils that passed through its classrooms during her many years with us. After her passing, in an act of great generosity, her family decided to give all donations given in her memory to our school, the school she loved so much. With this kind gesture we have purchased two large benches where the children can congregate and socialize and we have named them "Mrs Longden's Friendship Benches". we will also use the money to give out annual reading awards to one child in each class. Reading was the thing that first brought Shiela in to Four Oaks and in this way we will keep the memory of her alive for many years to come !