Science Week 2013 
At the end of March it was once again time for Science Week in school. Every child from Reception all the way to Year 6 was immersed in Science for the whole week, in search of answers to questions all about the wonderful world we live in.
All week long the children and adults busied themselves in scientific explorations and activities which culminated in a whole school assembly on Friday afternoon where each year group stood up and let the rest of the school know exactly waht they had been investigating all week.
The children had a fantastic time in search of their scientific facts so why not read on and re-live some of the highlights with photographs and video clips of the week's exciting activities!
In Reception the children were immersed in looking at the life cycle of their chicks which had been hatching for the week previous to Science Week. Soon there will be video highlights of the chicks' time in school so keep your eyes peeled!
In Year 1 the children were investigating floating and sinking with boats, different liquids and hairdryers!
The pupils in Year 2 had fun looking into how to transport marbles and creme eggs along runs without any breakages. Have a look at these photos to see how they got on.
In Year 3 it was sound that was being investigated with the pupils making their own telephone systems and testing their effectiveness.
Down in Year 4 everyone was immeresed in the world of bubbles. Why not peruse the photos and clips of film to see how they got on.
Year 5 jetted off into space with a trip to the National Space Centre in Leicester and a trip to King Edward's School in Edgbaston to visit a planetarium and have fun in their science labs ! You can see how they got on by looking on our Home Page and clicking on the astronaut !
Finally Year 6 investigated the world of friction and you can see them experimenting with balloons to see what effect friction has on our world !