Multi-sports and Box Fit Spring Term 2025 Extra-curricular club6 December 2024 (by admin) |
Monday evenings - Multi-sports - Year 1 and 2 - Infant Hall (3.30 - 4.40pm) Collection from Reception front playground Wednesday evenings - Box Fit - Year 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 - Infant Hall (3.30 - 4.40pm) Collection from Reception front playground
If you child is in Year 1 or 2, constantly full of energy, and enjoys trying a vast range of sports but hasn't settled on a particular sport yet, then multi-sports is the activity for them! A range of different sports are taught throughout the term-long course, so your child will experience a range of activities.
If your child is in Year 3 /4 / 5 / 6 and would like to try out our Box Fit course, which is constantly reinforced with positive mindset activities and disciplined practice, then please sign them up for Box Fit.
If you are interested in joining, please click on the below link after 8pm on Friday 6th Dec, and you will be able to book your child a place: