Mang'ula, Mgeta & Tumaini Primary Schools
Mang'ula, Mgeta & Tumaini Primary Schools are schools in Tanzania, Africa.
We have recently formed a friendship with the three primary schools when Mrs Birch and Mrs Litwinowicz visited the school over the summer in 2012, and gave them new text books bought with money raised by Four Oaks pupils, parents, staff, family and friends.
Click on some of the links below to see what the two schools have been doing together:
Click on the Tanzania badge to view some of the first photos sent back from Tanzania and "Tweets" that were sent back to Four Oaks by our two teachers during their Tanzanian adventure of 2012.
Click on the Tanzania badge to view colourful gifts sent to Mrs Sutton and Mr Benton by "Samwel" the Head Teacher of Mang'ula Primary School, in assembly in September 2012 !
Click on the Tanzanian badge to view the video diary kept by Mrs Litwinowicz and Mrs Birch during their 2012 African adventure !
Click on the Tanzanian badge to see the books, that all our money paid for, being handed over to the children of Mang'ula, Mgeta and Tumaini Primary Schools.
Click on the Tanzanian badge to see what colourful beach life is like for some of the people who live in Tanzania !
Click on the Tanzanian badge to see how pleased the children of Mang'ula, Mgeta and Tumaini Primary Schools were to receive some fantastic new sports equipment !
Click on the Tanzanian badge to see how the children and staff of Mang'ula, Mgeta and Tumaini Primary Schools move to the rhythm of African life !
Click on the badge to see just how different the Tanzanian Primary Schools are from Four Oaks Primary !
Click on the Tanzanian badge to view some stunning photographs of the adults and children from Mrs Litwinowicz's and Mrs Birch's journey through Tanzania !
Click on the Tanzanian badge to look through the camera lens as our two teachers take their tour through Africa !
Click on the Tanzanian badge to take a safari journey through Africa. How many animals can you recognise ?